Table of Contents
My Preferences (Medium Priority)
- allows user to change subscription preferences
- allows unsubscribe for non-WLU users
What a User Sees
- essentially same as the options on the Subscribe page
- checkboxes for distribution lists and categories
- non-WLU only - password change field
- non-WLU only - e-mail field (to change target address)
- non-WLU only - unsubscribe button
- WLU only - use Active Directory to determine which group the user cannot unsubscribe from
- “Submit” button
What a User Does
- selects and submits desired changes
Behavior of Application/Feature
- if a non-WLU user unsubscribes, remove their address and subscription preferences from the database
- if a user modifies subscription preferences, update the database accordingly
- display a confirmation page with information that has changed or to confirm unsubscription
Example Use Cases
- see above
- Medium