
Google Search

Sara Sprenkle, 2008/04/17 22:41:

Read the following pages about how Google's search works.

Then, in a comment (in the discussion pane below), provide the following information:

  • Your interest in the pages, on a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest
  • What are the three main points to the pages?
  • How do these pages affect your understanding of the Web in general?
  • How do these pages relate to our class?
  • One question for class discussion

We will discuss the article in class.

This is a 20 point assignment. The comment is worth 15 points and the in-class discussion is worth 5 points. Due before 12 p.m. on Wednesday, Apr 23.


Nicole Carter, 2008/04/22 20:40, 2008/04/22 22:08

My interest in these pages is about an 8. I never really took the time to ask myself how Google works, but the explanations were short (glad about that) and easy to comprehend. The three main points were that Google looks beyond what you type to find pages that contain what you are looking for, they rely on “votes” from linked pages to get you your information, but also use other more sophisticated technology to help you find what you need, and finally, they are so good at what they do that they can usually find what you need on one try with the I'm feeling lucky button.

These pages gave me a deeper insight into the inner workings of the Web. It also showed me just how huge the Web is, because Google just helps to single out a few pages for every search that everyone is doing at the same time.

These pages relate to our class since we are discussing how searching is a web application and how the server reads our requests to return pages for our searches and just how linking pages is important for that purpose.

How does Goggle differ from Yahoo!?

Josiah Davis, 2008/04/23 15:59

These pages are pretty interesting (7/10). They seem to make the main point that the Google search engine works in a very unique, effective way. It does this by paying close attention to what a particular search is looking for; the proximity of the relevant terms to each other in a candidate page determines how likely that page is to be helpful. Other key features include PageRank, which is a system for assessing the value of a web page according to other web pages. Finally, Google maintains its professional integrity. A company cannot bribe Google to get a higher ranking for its website.

It’s a tribute to Google that companies lay such great weight on Google’s ranking of web pages. Google has really become the ultimate search engine, so other websites have adapted to make the most of it. I’m glad to know more about how Google works now because it is so important to the web.

Google is very relevant to our course because it’s a good example of a web application. I’d like to know more about how it “crawls” the web. I wonder if there is a danger that Google will ever abuse its monopolistic control on web searching.

Jack Palmer, 2008/04/23 16:59

My interest in these articles is a 7 out of 10. The three main points that the articles makes are 1) the effeciency of the algorithm used to make searches (which they are very sure of considering the “I'm feeling lucky button”) 2) the integrity that Google has that allows the user to always find the most useful page 3) the benefits of Google's “snapshot” that they make when searching through web pages.

These articles gave me more understanding about the web because I had no idea that searches were so in depth, and that each individual web page could offer so much information to Google besides the actual contents of the page.

The articles apply to our class because in this class we will be creating web pages/applications that can be searched by search engines like Google.

I am interested in discussing Google's search process more in depth than how the article describes. After reading the first article it is still unclear to me how exactly the algorithm works.

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cs297/discussion/google_search.txt · Last modified: 2008/04/21 19:16 by sprenkle
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