Table of Contents

Administrator View

  • Authenticated Login

How will this work? What response do you see if login is successful? Unsuccessful? Option for if you forgot your password?

  • Create professor accounts
    • Page with input for professor name and professor email Separate first and last names fields?
    • A save button
    • Once the professor is saved they are sent an email with a randomly generated password
    • The administrator is shown a page that tells them which professors have been successfully created
  • Create student accounts
    • Page with input for student name and student email Separate first and last names fields?
    • A save button
    • Once the student is saved they are sent an email with a randomly generated password
    • The administrator is shown a page that tells them which students have been successfully created
  • Delete professor accounts
    • A page with a list of checkboxes, each representing a professor
    • The administrator can select the professor's they wish to delete and click save cancel option?
    • The administrator is taken to a page that shows the professors that have been successfully deleted
    • Probably want a confirmation page because this is a “dangerous” activity.
  • Delete student accounts
    • A page with a list of checkboxes, each representing a student
    • The administrator can select the student's they wish to delete and click save cancel option?
    • The administrator is taken to a page that shows the students that have been successfully deleted
    • Probably want a confirmation page because this is a “dangerous” activity.

Similar create/delete functionality for admin accounts? I'm not sure what “Links” means: is that for a main options home page for the user? Will you have a navigation sidebar with the links on every page? Will you have an “Escape” hatch on each page?


  • Professors who are administrators can also see these options
  • Set up a new course
  • Delete a course
  • Assign professor permissions to appropriate courses
  • Assign student permissions to appropriate courses
cs297/project/admin_reqs.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/06 21:45 by admin
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