Make Colorings Easy to Change

We will provide the user with the option to change the coloring of each of the categories of elements.


The categories need to be formed and the color labels need to be created and assigned.

What a User Sees

The user will see the table with the original colors displayed, but if they change the color of any given category, the table will reflect that change.

What a User Does

The user will be able to select a color from a list in a drop down menu for each of the element categories.

Behavior of the Application/Feature

When a color in a drop down menu is selected, all of the elements in the category assigned to that label will change to the selected color.

Example Use Cases

Users can change the categories' colors to better fit with their personal color/element associations or to make it look pretty.



courses/cs335/spring2019/test_wiki/easecoloringchanges.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/26 20:58 by haywardc
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