Verifying User as A Student


In the beginning, we will verify numbers to the best of our ability using simple means. For example, checking for the “r” in a Rollins ID number, or making sure W&L students enter the appropriate number of digits. Later, we will try to implement more holistic means of verification using database information provided by each school.

At that point, the feature will take information provided by the user, send it to the back-end, query one of two databases for existence, and then return whether or not the user is a student at the school they claim to be enrolled in.


In order to query the appropriate database, the user must have provided two pieces of information: their enrolled school, and their student ID number. It may be possible to locate the “R-number” for Rollins University without needing the enrolled school field, but this may not be the case for all schools. To allow maximum room for expansion, it would be best to require both types of data.

In the beginning, we will also need the users to have pressed the submit button to begin the validation process. Later, we might be able to do a “live” validation as soon as the necessary information has been entered.

See the data gathering page for more information of how the data gathering process will go: Gathering user Data.

What a User Sees

If the user has been validated, they will see no change in the page. If the user has not been validated, they will be prompted on the screen that no user ID matching that Student number has been found. This will make them to re-confirm they entered the data correctly.

What a User Does

All the user needs to do is enter both their student ID number and specify which school they're enrolled in and click the submit button. Later, user might not even need to use the submit button if we implement a “live” validation process.

Behavior of the Application/Feature

There are only two cases.

In the first case, the student is validated. If this case is true, there will be no change to the page and the user is free to continue throughout the registration process.

In the second case, the student is not validated. If this case is true, a popup will inform the user than their student ID was not found and that they must fix their ID number before they can continue with registration.

Example Use Cases

Users do not do anything other than enter information and press enter for this feature. All of the calculations and verification will be done by the server and the databases.


This feature is of medium to low priority. It would be very convenient, but the app could function without it.

courses/cs335/spring2019/chemtutor/requirements/registration/verifying_user.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/01 02:20 by hornsbym
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