Table of Contents
Gathering user Data
Our registration page will have inputs for a student's name, email address, student number, the school they attend, phone number, and their expected graduation year.
In order to reach this page, the user must not be already registered with the web application. They will have began at the main landing page, and then have clicked on a link saying something to the effect of “I'm a new user and want to register.”
See the login feature's page for more details: Student User Login.
What a User Sees
The user will see a page with a heading similar to the previous page. In the middle of the screen will be a series of input fields labeled as so:
- Name will be a single text input. We will not be separating first and last names.
- To the right of the name input will be a class year select input. It will have the next four class years as possible selections.
- On a new row will be another select input to collect information about the school that the student attends. This select can easily be edited later to accommodate new schools.
- Next to the school input field will be a Student number field. Somewhere near this field will be a prompt linking students to locations where they can find their student numbers.
- On a new row will be a text input for collecting an email address.
Below the form, there will be a checkbox for agreeing to the terms of service and a submit button.
What a User Does
All users will have to do is fill in these fields with the appropriate information, agree to the terms of service, and then click submit. The information will then be sent to the server, where it will be stored in a private database.
One of the later features we may implement is a validity checker, which will query university databases and confirm the data users provide. But for now, no validation is necessary.
Behavior of the Application/Feature
When users click “submit”, one of three things is possible.
First, the user may have forgotten to enter a required field. In this case, the missing field will be made known to the user and they will be prompted to try again.
Second, the user may have come to the page erroneously. If the information they provide (specifically, a combination of the school and ID number) shows up in the database of existing users, the users will be informed that they are already registered with the application. They will then be provided with a link to return to the login page.
Finally, users may have entered all accurate information. If this is the case, they will be permitted to continue on to access the website.
Example Use Cases
This feature only has one use case: to register currently unregistered users. If the feature is used for any other purpose, it is being used incorrectly and users will be prompted to follow a link to the appropriate place to suit their needs.
This feature is absolutely necessary for the app to function.