
  • Admin Interface to:
    • enter metadata about graffiti/update information
    • What fields did you want for adding a new graffiti? → We were going to have a form page with all the fields as on the “See more information” page.
    • Create Admin page with Admin view → view site with additional Edit button.
  • Generate reports from database → What do you want the reports to return? How are reports different from inscriptions?
  • Greatest Hits → what does “our favorites” mean? How do you want the metric for this to be? Most clicks on “See more information”?
  • On search page, show how many results, e.g., 6 inscriptions out of 459 → Should be simple enough.
  • Allow tags on graffiti for categorization and searching. Are we safe to assume that the tags are subsets of categories?
    • We can do this by creating a dropdown menu of tags under a certain category, with an option for ALL to search all tags in this category.
  • API to export data as JSON/XML… → GET call that can search all graffiti by categories/tags to export specific sets of data as well as all data?
    • Our idea is to have two API calls: searchAll (which just returns all graffiti) and search(city, location, category, tag) with the city being the only required parameter.

Client Feedback


A very preliminary list of possible tags:

  • Animal types: horse, boar, dog, stag/deer
  • Geometric shapes: triangle, circle, square, quadrangle
  • Boats: rudder, net, hull
  • Gladiator equipment: helmet, shield, greaves, net, trident, sword
  • Architecture: column, column base, ladder
  • Poetry


The reports could be Excel-like spreadsheets so we can double-check everything is there. For example, one inscription for an Insula Occidentalis location that has 15 other graffiti is not showing up in AGP for some reason.

I want to be able to check things like that. And be able to check that everything is there. So, instead of just doing a search for figural graffiti, I could run a report that would give me an excel spreadsheet where I could rearrange them by location or by another field, so to have a big list. For example, some of the figural graffiti are in AGP but we haven’t tagged them correctly as drawings, so a report where I could catch that.

My thought was that maybe your team could devise a way to report where I could check certain fields, and then the report would give me a list of everything. Actually, being able to generate a csv of everything in our database would be helpful, so that I can look to see what’s not showing up on AGP. Does that make sense?

So, I was thinking for example that I could run a report where I want to pull up all figural graffiti with location, Bibliography, drawing category type, AGP #, and writing style. Could we do something like that?

(Let me know if that’s not clear. I was trying to figure out how many drawings we have in AGP vs how many Langner and CIL each have, and it’s hard to get a total. I know I’m missing some that haven’t made it into AGP yet.)

Editor Interface

Fields to update: the “see more information” fields plus

  • Height from ground
  • Commentary
  • Translation

Not all graffiti will have these fields filled out.

Also, we were thinking about doing something with letter height. Right now, we can only do EDR’s range. If they can figure out a way to give more specificity. Check out, e.g., the varying letter heights in the apparatus criticus of

Greatest Hits

This would be chosen by me and team - good examples for high school Latin teachers to use. So, maybe 20 or so really interesting, and easier to understand graffiti, where we could add some brief commentary. The question is where/how could we fit in a button for “Greatest Hits”? I guess the results list could look the same, but I’m open to any ideas or suggestions. Just a thought for making it more user friendly and available to different audiences.

courses/cs335/spring2016/graffiti/requirements.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/02 16:49 by admin
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