
Usage-based Navigation Models Paper Accepted at ICST

Professor Sprenkle and Lucy Simko '11's paper was accepted at the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). The paper entitled “A Study of Usage-Based Navigation Models and Generated Abstract Test Cases for Web Applications” was done in collaboration with Dr. Lori Pollock of the University of Delaware. Their paper was one of 35 papers accepted out of 166 papers submitted (a competitive 21% acceptance rate). The conference is in Berlin, Germany in March 2011.

2010/11/29 15:26 · 0 Comments

Research Project Funded by CREU Program

Professor Sara Sprenkle and students Camille Cobb, Anna Pobletts, and Lucy Simko's proposal of a research project focused on automating testing of web applications was accepted as a sponsored Collaborative Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CREU) project for the 2010-2011 academic year. CREU provides stipends for the students' work and additional funding for travel.

Stay tuned for updates on the new CREU crew's progress!

2010/06/16 14:17 · 0 Comments

Camille and Katie in Computing Research News

Camille Cobb ‘12 and Katie Baldwin '10 are in the November edition of Computing Research News. Check out their picture on the back page of them presenting their research poster at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

2009/11/23 19:37 · 0 Comments

W&L News Story about Camille at GHC

W&L's web site featured a story about Camille's attendance at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Computing.

Here's a better picture of Camille with her poster:
Photo Courtesy of Kevin Remington
Photo Courtesy of Kevin Remington

2009/10/23 19:57 · 0 Comments

Simko presents at W&L Summer Research SHOWCASE

Lucy Simko '11 presented her research with Professor Sara Sprenkle and University of Delaware Professor Lori Pollock at the W&L Summer Research SHOWCASE.

Lucy with Registrar Scott Dittman
Lucy presents her work to Registrar Scott Dittman

2009/10/20 20:01 · 0 Comments

Summer 2008 Research Assistant

Lucy Simko was awarded an R.E. Lee Scholarship to participate in research with Professor Sprenkle. Lucy will spend 5 weeks at the University of Delaware working in Lori Pollock's lab and 5 weeks at Washington & Lee University.

2015/08/14 20:59 · 0 Comments

Baldwin and Cobb Present Research at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

Katie Baldwin '10 of the University of Delaware and Camille Cobb '12 of Washington & Lee University presented their summer research at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. They were visited by the CTO of Amazon, who encouraged them to continue their research on automatically generating test cases for web applications.

Proof that Katie and Camille attend GHC Katie and Camille in Tucson

2009/10/13 20:13 · 0 Comments
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