
Sprenkle promoted and awarded tenure

In May, Professor Sprenkle was promoted to associate professor and awarded tenure.

The W&L story

2013/06/13 15:47 · admin · 0 Comments

Benefiel and Sprenkle Present Collaborative Project at LAWDI Institute

Rebecca Benefiel, associate professor of classics at Washington and Lee University, and Sara Sprenkle presented their prototype of a new web application involving the ancient graffiti of Pompeii at the Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI).

The full story:

2013/06/13 01:48 · admin · 0 Comments

Students Present Research at SSA 5

Last summer's research students presented their work at W&L's SSA conference.

Richard Marmorstein '14 presented his extensions to the online symbolic logic tutorial, used in Professor Gregory's Introduction to Philosophy course as well as in evaluating our software testing techniques, in a Digital Humanities panel. While the other presenters in the panel were humanists leveraging technology, Richard represented a computer scientist creating technology to solve a humanities problem.

Haley Archer-McClellan '15 and Deirdre Tobin '15 presented their poster on “Exploring a Text-Based Analysis of Persistent-State Dependencies in Web Applications”. Their work seemed to be well-received, as the audience were able to understand the complex problem and their approach to solving the problem.

2013/03/11 13:51 · admin · 0 Comments

Marmorstein '14 and Sprenkle "Scene On Campus"

Richard Marmorstein '14 presents his progress on developing and testing an online symbolic logic tutorial to Professor Sprenkle. The application he is developing will be used by Professor Gregory in logic courses and by Professor Sprenkle in web application testing experiments. Haley Archer-McClellan is to the left, behind her monitor.

Photos courtesy of Kevin Remington and Scene on Campus.

2012/07/27 17:05 · admin · 0 Comments

Cobb ’12 Receives Honorable Mention in CRA Undergraduate Research Award

The CRA announced their list of Undergraduate Research Awards, which included an honorable mention for Camille Cobb ’12. Camille has worked on automatically testing web applications with Professor Sprenkle and University of Delaware collaborator Lori Pollock for two years and worked this past summer on visualizing medical processes with Professor Lori Clarke from the University of Massachusetts. Camille has presented her work in poster sessions at several conferences and has a conference paper under submission.

From the announcement:

This year’s nominees were a very impressive group. A number of them were commended for making significant contributions to more than one research project, several were authors or coauthors on multiple papers, others had made presentations at major conferences, and some had produced software artifacts that were in widespread use. Many of our nominees had been involved in successful summer research or internship programs, many had been teaching assistants, tutors, or mentors, and a number had significant involvement in community volunteer efforts. It is quite an honor to be selected for Honorable Mention from this group.
2012/06/10 02:41 · admin · 0 Comments
webapptesting/news.txt · Last modified: 2012/06/10 02:35 by admin
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