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Web Application Testing Lab (WATL)

The web application testing group focuses on automated testing of the correctness of Web applications, including test-case generation, replaying test cases, and oracle comparators. The work has an empirical focus: we evaluate our techniques on real Web applications to assess their effectiveness. See the projects page for more information about what projects we're currently working on and what we've done in the past and our news page to see what we've been up to.



Faculty Lead: Dr. Sara Sprenkle
Current Undergraduate Researchers:

  • Paul Jang '15
  • Samantha O'Dell '15
  • Gabi Tremo '15

Recent Undergraduate Researchers:

Collaborator: Dr. Lori Pollock, University of Delaware
Recent Master's Student Researchers: Natallia Robinson, University of Delaware '09

We are actively looking for motivated students, interested in a research experience in Web applications, specifically in testing or related topics.

During the summers of 2008 and 2009, we worked at Dr. Lori Pollock's Software Analysis and Compilation Lab at the University of Delaware.


  • WebVizor - A Visualization Tool for Applying Automated Oracles and Analyzing Test Results of Web Applications


We want to acknowledge our sponsors, who make this research possible.

webapptesting/home.1370914212.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/11 01:30 by admin
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