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Intermediate Unix Commands


UNIX organizes permissions by user, group, and others. There are three different permissions available: read, write, and execute

chmod is the command to change permissions


To change the group associated with a file, use chgrp

Finding Content: grep

Gnu Regular Expression Print (grep) is a helpful tool to search for text within files, using–you guessed it–regular expressions! Regular expressions can be quite simple.

Example: I want to find all the names that start with “Sara” in a file of names

grep Sara names.txt

Finding Files: find

Finding Differences Between Files: diff

Beginning of Files: head

End of Files: tail

Viewing Services Listening on a Port

lsof -i :<port>


lsof -i :8080
labs/unix_intermediate.1725556430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/05 17:13 by admin
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