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Transferring Files To/From Your Linux Account

To/From Personal Machines


scp: Secure CoPy

If you use Linux or Mac at home, you can Secure CoPy or scp your files to and from the Linux machines.

scp works similar to the cp command:

scp <source> <dest>

where either the source or the destination can be a remote location, in the form username@remotehost:path/to/resource/from/username's/home

For example

 scp thisfile

If you want to copy a whole directory, use the -r option, just as in the cp command.

Machine Names

sftp: Secure FTP

You could also use Secure FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files.


If you installed PuTTY, then, you should also get the ``pscp`` command. This tutorial explains how to use it.


You can use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool, such as SmartFTP.

Connect to a lab machine with your username and password. You can then use the GUI to transfer your files from your home machine to the lab machines and back.

Cross-Platform GUIs

FileZilla is a free, open-source, cross-platform FTP client. Connect to a lab machine at port number 22, using your username and password for the Linux machines. Choose to trust the machine.

Changing File Formats

On Linux, you can automatically change plain text files formatted for Mac or DOS to Unix using the commands dos2unix or mac2unix. Use man to learn how to use the commands.

labs/transfer_files.1714583154.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/01 17:05 by admin
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