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labs:transfer_files [2023/04/25 13:49] adminlabs:transfer_files [2024/05/01 17:13] (current) – [Windows] admin
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 For example For example
-   scp thisfile username@python.cs.wlu.edu:path/to/destlocation/+   scp thisfile username@machinename.cs.wlu.edu:path/to/destlocation/
 If you want to copy a whole directory, use the ''-r'' option, just as in the [[unix_basics#copy_files_and_directories|cp]] command. If you want to copy a whole directory, use the ''-r'' option, just as in the [[unix_basics#copy_files_and_directories|cp]] command.
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 You could also use **Secure FTP** (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files. You could also use **Secure FTP** (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files.
 ==== Windows ==== ==== Windows ====
-You can use an **FTP** (File Transfer Protocol) tool, such as [[http://www.smartftp.com/|SmartFTP]].+If you installed [[http://cswiki.wlu.edu/dokuwiki/doku.php/labs/remote_access#from_windows|PuTTY]], then, you should also get the ``pscp`` command.  This [[https://comtechies.com/copy-files-between-windows-and-linux.html|tutorial]] explains how to use it.   
 +You can also use an **FTP** (File Transfer Protocol) tool, such as [[http://www.smartftp.com/|SmartFTP]].
 Connect to a lab machine with your username and password.  You can then use the GUI to transfer your files from your home machine to the lab machines and back. Connect to a lab machine with your username and password.  You can then use the GUI to transfer your files from your home machine to the lab machines and back.
labs/transfer_files.1682430548.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/25 13:49 by admin
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