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Ability to be Integrated into Multiple Exercises

It needs to be usable in multiple different exercises, or platforms (e.g. being provided for a question during a quiz or having sections of it that are hide-able for studying). Any user or admin who has logged in should be able to access it.

What a User Sees

Describe what a user sees: what are the input fields, what are the results displayed, what order are they in

What a User Does

Describe the options for what a user can do. Be specific. (May be tied with fields in earlier section.)

What is required of the user? Any input that needs to validated? Any constraints? (Perhaps a user must fill in two fields or only one of two fields.)

Behavior of the Application/Feature

When a user enters input or clicks a button, what are the possible outcomes?

Examples: if user enters erroneous input, what happens? if user does one of three options, what happens in each of those cases?

Example Use Cases

Describe some typical situations of what a user can/will do.

May want to put this earlier, but may not make sense unless you explain the other stuff.


Relative priority of feature (high, medium, low)

courses/cs335/spring2019/test_wiki/integration.1556307699.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/26 19:41 by haywardc
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