Export all Graffiti Data as EpiDoc

Feature Description

This feature creates an EpiDoc of all of the graffiti that the administrator can export.


Before accessing this feature, the user must first successfully login as an administrator. Then, when they click the link to generate the EpiDoc, a file will begin to download.

What the User Sees

The user will see a downloaded file that provides them with the EpiDoc with data for all graffiti. They can then elect to save that EpiDoc.

User Behavior

There is limited amount of user behavior associated with this functionality. Using other features, administrators can edit the EpiDoc in different locations. This feature, however, simply provides the start of the download of an EpiDoc containing all Graffiti Data.

Use Cases

The user will use this feature if they wish to download an EpiDoc for all graffiti.

Relative Priority of Feature

As of right now, this feature has somewhat low priority. It's main functionality is already established and is working properly.

courses/cs335/spring2019/graffiti/export.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/01 02:23 by cohene
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