ChemTutor Functionality Requirements

Registration–Requirements page for the registration and set up of a new user entering the cite. Team members are Carter, Mitch, and Alex

Login–Requirements page for the the login of student users. Team members are Ruinan, Pan, and Tina

Data Tracking–Requirements page for data tracking. No personnel assigned as of 4/26/19

Admin Interface–Requirements page for the admin interface. No personnel assigned as of 4/26/19

Periodic Table–Requirements page for the periodic table. Team members are Connor, Utkrist, and Abhi

Math Formula Presentation–Requirements for the math formula presentation. Team members are Rinn, Coletta, and George

Practice Exercises–Requirements for the practice exercises/modules. Team member is Alex W

Graph Exercises–Requirements for the graph exercises. Team members are Chris, JD, and Roby