Graph Exercises Requirements


  • Provide a welcome screen with “Graph Exercises” as title
  • Display equation (linear or sin function) and four possible solutions in the form of graphs
  • The graph exercises allow users to take quizzes on certain graphs (pick the corresponding graph)
  • Graphs and possible solution are generated at random using Python scripts
    • To generate different graphs, the program must be able to edit variables
      • For linear equations y = mx + b, m and b must be editable
      • For sin functions y = A sin(b * theta + phi), A, b, and phi must be editable
        • Program must be able to edit any number of variables, not just one or all
  • After a session, results are returned to the user to show performance


  • User must have registered and created an account to do graph exercises
  • User must be logged into system in order to do graph exercises
  • Must have links on home page and other relevant locations on website directing users to the graph exercises

What the User Sees

  • Once directed to the graph exercises, user is greeted by a welcome screen titled “Graphing Module Practice”; there are options to start a session or go elsewhere on the site
  • After entering a session, the user will see a page with an equation and four corresponding graphs
    • That graphs each have a button to allow the user to select the one they believe to be correct
  • After they select an answer they click the button titled “Next Question” to advance to the next graph exercise
  • When a user completes a graph exercise session:
    • A string that says how many questions our of how many attempts they got correct
      • A percentage representation of this number (perhaps incorporating prior results once the data tracking functionality is finalized
    • Try again link that takes the user back to the welcome screen for graph exercises
    • The questions load in below, with the correct graph highlighted in green
    • If they selected the incorrect answer, their selection highlighted red
    • Text telling either telling them “Correct!” or “Incorrect”

What the User Does

  • Register/login to ChemTutor
  • Click on a link guiding them to the graph exercises
  • Click on “Begin Graphing Module” on graph exercises welcome screen
  • Click on the graph which they believe to be correct based on the equation
  • Click on the “Next Question” button to advance to the next question or the results page
  • They can click “More Graph Exercises” when they complete the exercises, or return to the ChemTutor home page

Behavior of the Application

  • Once a session is begun, the application will generate graphs based off of Python scripts
  • When a user clicks on an answer and then clicks “Submit”, the application will verify that the submitted answer is the correct one
    • The application will then send feedback, which will be displayed on the page, showing whether the answer was correct or not
  • When the user clicks on “Next Question”, the application must generate another graph for the next question (this could be done at beginning of session and saved for use on each click of “Next”)
  • After the final question when “Next Question” is clicked, a results page is generated
    • Shows how many questions the user got correct and
    • Displays a table comparing results to historical averages
    • The page then gives the user the option to try again or return to the home page
  • If the user selects to try another session, they are redirected to the “Graph Module Practice” page

Example Use Cases

  • Users will use the graph exercise module to practice their skills identifying certain equations
  • Users will enter a session and attempt to answer each question correctly
    • The interface should provide a simple point and click environment to advance through the module
    • Should create an easy to use environment and prevent complications for users
  • After clicking through and answering questions, users can compare their results to past performance


  • This feature quite high priority as it is one of the key elements of the ChemTutor program
    • The program is designed to help students study and prepare for college-level Chemistry
    • The graph exercises are one of only two true practice modules and one of only four methods of studying
  • This feature also needs to be implemented relatively early so that other features may be built or modified with its design in mind
courses/cs335/spring2019/chemtutor/requirements/graph_exercises.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/01 02:11 by wilsonj
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