Agree to Terms of Service


Requires the user to accepts the terms of use before the registration of their account can be completed.


For a user to reach this page, they must be a new user that is in the process of creating a ChemTutor account.

What a User Sees

There are two objects that the user will see when accepting the terms of service. The first is a scrollable text box that contains the terms of service for the website. The second object is a checkbox that indicates the user accepts the terms of service.

What a User Does

The user must check the box indicating that they agree to the terms of service.

Behavior of the Application/Feature

Two possible outcomes exist:

  1. User does not check the box and submits the form
    • If the user attempts to submit the registration form without checking the box indicating they accept the terms of service, they will be rerouted to a registration page that displays an error below the terms of service checkbox that reads “Must accept the terms of service”
  2. User checks box and submits the form
    • Form submits, information entered is stored in the database



courses/cs335/spring2019/chemtutor/requirements/registration/terms_of_service.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/26 20:27 by cantrella
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