Adding User Data to ChemTutor Database


This adds the users account that they made in the gathering user data page to the database once they have confirmed they are a student in the verifying user as a student page. It then encrypts and stores their private information on the database and presents the user with a confirmation page for their account creation.


The user must first have entered their data and have been confirmed to have a student account to reach this page.

What a User Sees

There are no inputs on this page as this page will be shown once a user has already entered their data and been confirmed a student. Instead this page will simply have a “Thank you! Your account has been created.” message in the center of the screen. There will also be a button named continue to take the user into the home page of the Chemtutor site.

What a User Does

There will be no fields for the user to fill out, but there will be a button for the user to press that will take them to the home page, logged into the account they just made. The user does not have to press this button for their data to be added, it is simply navagational.

Behavior of the Application/Feature

There are no inputs on this page. When the user presses the continue button it automatically takes them to the home page. If this page is attempted to be entered via any other way than from the confirmation of student permissions page, it will display an error message.

Example Use Cases

When a user finishes entering their data into the create account form, and confirms they are a student with either an email verification or inputting their student number, and submitting that form, they will be taken here as to let them know their account has succeeded in being created. They click the continue button and are taken to the home page to learn.


This is high priority in the aspect of adding the users data to the database. The page of confirmation is lowish priority as it is good to give feedback to the user about the success of creating an account, but the actual creating is more important.

courses/cs335/spring2019/chemtutor/requirements/registration/add_user_data_to_chemtutor_database.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/27 02:05 by huffmanc
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