
Implement Google's Material Design UI to redesign buttons, forms, tables, and the navbar.

Allow a user to take a set of public quizzes (practice and graded) without a login. We're going to try and add a new course called “Public” so the quizzes could be copied directly to the demo page.

Allow professor to grade question-by-question, as well as student-by-student.

If a student's answer is the same value as another already-graded answer, then automatically give the same number of points for that answer.

Arrange the correct answer above the student's answers grouped together by equivalence to make grading easier.

Allow quizzes to be copied between courses all at once, in addition to individually.

Rename “Practice Quizzes” as “Exercises” and “Graded Quizzes” to “Quizzes/Exams”.

Change the reason box to be a text box.

Left justify all the columns in Grading Mode.

Switch the Points Possible and Points received columns so Points Possible precedes Points Received.

Client Feedback

From Professor Gregory, “Can only view it in phone right now, but it looks slick! … Would it be possible to have the student answer directly above the correct answer? And askew the cell to expand to the width of the answer, so the line doesn't break for long answers? And askew the cell to expand to the width of the answer, so the line doesn't break for long answers?”

  • Would like the ungraded quizzes to be called “Exercises” and the graded ones to be called “Quiz/Exam”
  • For Quiz/Exams I would like the students to NOT see the correct answers after they submit.
  • I would like the “Reason” Box to be open – I.e., not have click on the + to open it
  • I would prefer to have all the columns in grading mode Left Justified.
  • I would prefer that Points Possible precede Points Received.
courses/cs335/spring2016/logic/requirements.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/05 16:08 by campbella
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