Work Plan

Anton The Database Specialist: Anton will work on creating a local database with the data of Pompeii I.8 to use for testing our project. He will figure out what kind of results the the database will return based on what kind of keyword or location based search is used.

Ginny The Layout Specialist: Ginny will mainly deal with how the user views the information when the database returns result based on a search and how the homepage website looks. She will also work on making everything pretty in a general sense.

Paul the great and Onye, The Map specialists: Paul and Onye will work on first creating a user interactive map functional by implementing an easy box type image map for different regions of the map to search and then go on to make it look better.

courses/cs335/spring2013/graffiti/workplan.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/03 00:57 by jangha
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