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Chapter 4

4.1: Interval Scheduling: The Greedy Algorithm Stays Ahead

  • A greedy algorithm is the optimum algorithm for a given problem
    • Starts with a simple rule then continues using that rule to solve the rest of the equation.
    • In this particular problem the greedy algorithm is the algorithm which produces the fewest conflicts between intervals.
  • To prove that an algorithm is optimal one must prove that the greedy algorithm always “stays ahead”
  • These proofs are on pages 120 to 121
  • Of course there exist certain circumstances presented by outside factors that can affect the optimality of a greedy algorithm

===== 4.2: Scheduling to Minimize Lateness: An Exchange Argument

  • This is a different take on the scheduling algorithm describe above
  • Instead of a definite start and end time these tasks just have deadlines
  • The optimal way to schedule this is one in which the tasks are sorted in increasing order of deadlines

4.3: Optimal Caching: A More Complex Exchange Argument

courses/cs211/winter2011/journals/andrew/chapter4.1297820755.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/02/16 01:45 by bennetta
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