====== Update - First Several Weeks ====== **Week 0** - Read the [[sant_et_al._paper_comments|Sant Paper]]. Got my journal page on this blog set up [[webapptesting:journals:cobb_notes:another_test|(sort of)]]. The group met and discussed the paper, and our specific project. This paper wasn't very hard for me to get through, partly because I saw it [[http://www.cs.wlu.edu/~cobbc/dreu09/|two summers ago]], but I think I got a lot more out of it this time! I think we had some really productive discussion about what directions this research could take us and what factors might be important for generating good test cases for Web Apps. **Weeks 1 and 2** - Read the [[statistical|Statistical Testing of Web Applications Paper ]], which was a lot harder to get through! We also started working on the course work (labs) from Sara Sprenkle's [[http://www.cs.wlu.edu/~sprenkle/cs335/schedule.php|spring term Web App Course]]. **Weeks 3 and 4** - Read another article. Will post notes from that reading soon. Continued work on the labs, but got stuck on a servlets lab. Hope to get working on my specific project later this week, when the issues with these labs are resolved. Will meet again this Thursday. ~~DISCUSSION~~