====== Transferring Files To/From Your Linux Account ====== ===== To/From Personal Machines ===== ==== Mac/Linux ==== == scp: Secure CoPy == If you use Linux or Mac at home, you can **Secure CoPy** or ''scp'' your files to and from the Linux machines. ''scp'' works similar to the [[unix_basics#copy_files_and_directories|cp]] command: scp where either the source or the destination can be a remote location, in the form ''username@remotehost:path/to/resource/from/username's/home'' For example scp thisfile username@python.cs.wlu.edu:path/to/destlocation/ If you want to copy a whole directory, use the ''-r'' option, just as in the [[unix_basics#copy_files_and_directories|cp]] command. [[http://cswiki.wlu.edu/dokuwiki/doku.php/labs/remote_login#machine_names|Machine Names]] == sftp: Secure FTP == You could also use **Secure FTP** (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files. ==== Windows ==== You can use an **FTP** (File Transfer Protocol) tool, such as [[http://www.smartftp.com/|SmartFTP]]. Connect to a lab machine with your username and password. You can then use the GUI to transfer your files from your home machine to the lab machines and back. ==== Cross-Platform GUIs ==== [[https://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla]] is a free, open-source, cross-platform FTP client. Connect to a lab machine at port number 22, using your username and password for the Linux machines. Choose to trust the machine. ===== Changing File Formats ===== On Linux, you can automatically change plain text files formatted for Mac or DOS to Unix using the commands ''dos2unix'' or ''mac2unix''. Use ''man'' to learn how to use the commands.