====== Student View ====== ===== Authenticated Login ===== - Student links to welcome page - Student selects "Student" option for login (Opt: Find way to skip this step?) - Student logs in (username, password) ===== Options Page===== ==== Practice Quiz ==== * List of links to chapters //Initially, we may only have one chapter. We'll need JavaScript to make the list of quizzes change based on the chapters so that is a lower priority option. // * List of links to quizzes * Persistent top bar with logic key (//predicates//) and symbol pad * One question per page * Text area for answer * Submit button * If incorrect answer, give feedback * If correct, mark as correct and give link to next question //or, just move on to next question, don't require user to click button? // * Opt: Button for syntax validation //If a student started a practice quiz and stops and later restarts the quiz, does the quiz start from the beginning or does it restart? Options for students to save where they are in a quiz? Granted, these are lower priority options but they are options.// ==== Graded Quiz ==== --Lower Priority-- * List of links to chapters * List of links to quizzes * Persistent top bar with logic key and symbol pad * One question per page * Text area for answer * Submit button * Save results and advance to next question * Opt: send email to student and professor upon completion of quiz // Can students stop in the middle of taking a graded quiz? // ==== View Statistics ==== --Optional-- * Link to overall class average * Link to overall student's average * Link to scores for specific quizzes * List of all quizzes taken * Linking to a quiz shows class average and student's scores //Statistics for practice quizzes or real quizzes? We will not necessarily be keeping track of the real quizzes because Prof. Gregory wants to make the final decision on the grades. However, we probably do want to keep information about how the student is doing on the practice quizzes for their own information on what they need to practice. // ===== Sidebar ===== * Contains links to welcome page, documentation, and options * Contains breadcrumbs (lower priority) //I think we probably won't do this because the site is so small. I'd assign this lowest priority.//