Professor View
Authenticated login
Login with username and password
If correct, see Options page
If incorrect, show error message on login page
Do we want to allow people to create their own accounts? Couldn't a student create a professor account? If the username/password is incorrect, you should see an error message and the login page again. You may also want to have a “Forgot password?” page.
Options Page
Is all of this on one page? It's not clear exactly what will be on the Options page and what will be on other pages. It's also not clear if you'll have a sidebar and what will be contained in the sidebar. You always want to give the user the option of going back to a “Main” page.
List of Quizzes
Adding a New Quiz
Link directs to a new page with a text box for the title and text area for the key
Submit buttons saves information and opens a page to enter a single question, the key is shown at the top of each new question page.
Will each predicate be on its own line? Will the professor need to type in A. , B., etc.?
NC: We decided that for now the key will be in a text box, but if this is a problem, this will be revisited
Adding a New Question
key is displayed at the top of the page
text box for the question
text box for the answer
next question link that saves the input for the current question and displays a new page for the next question and answer
finished button that saves the final question and directs to a confirmation page
The whole quiz is displayed on the confirmation page with new question link,edit links for each question and the key and a finished button that directs back to the list of quizzes page.
Edit link for the question/answer takes you back to the confirmation page with the new set in its old position
There is a delete button for the question and answer that takes you back to the confirmation page
What response do you get from this page if you do edit something? And, what's the step you see after the edit?
Can you delete questions? What happens if professor leaves a question blank?
Deleting a Quiz
The link directs to a page with a list of all the professor's quizzes
The tests that need to be deleted can be checked and the submit button delets the selected quizzes and sends a confirmation message and a link back to the list of quizzes page
Use side bar or back to options link to cancel the delete
Have a cancel button to get out of this or go to main page?
Good idea to allow the user to confirm (and fix) what they're about to do, especially when it's something “dangerous” like deleting a quiz.
Updating a Quiz
Link directs to a list of the professor's quizzes
Clicking on the radio button beside the title of the quiz directs to a page with the quiz with edit buttons for the key and every question and answer
A link to add a new question is at the bottom of the page
A finished button at the bottom of the page displays a confirmation message and a link back to the options page
Will the new questions be at the end? Can they be inserted in the middle? Can you delete a question/answer?
Viewing how many students took a specific quiz
Viewing results of student performance on individual quizzes
Statistics about student performance
Other information about student test (time taken, time to take,…)
Aggregate results of student performance on quizzes
Set a time limit on quizzes for when students can take the quiz
Upload incorrect answers and why incorrect