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courses:cs397:fall2008:discussion_0:olympic_message_system [2008/09/08 16:39] admincourses:cs397:fall2008:discussion_0:olympic_message_system [2008/09/08 16:59] (current) admin
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 +<- [[:courses:cs397:fall2008:discussion]]
 +====== Olympic Message System ======
 +//Sara Sprenkle, 2008/09/08 12:14 //
 +Read [[http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=30401.30402|Olympic Message System]] and include the following information in a comment:
 +  * On a scale of 0 to 9, your interest in this paper
 +  * Summarize the three main ideas of the paper, briefly
 +  * How does this paper exemplify user-centered design and iterative design?  (Cite examples from design, implementation, and evaluation phases.)
 +  * At least one question for class discussion
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