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Work Plan

Admin Tools


  • Joe
  • Emily
  • Trevor

Design Outline

  • Implement pages that do not currently exist
  • Edit pages that currently exist so that they will be able to provided the desired functionality in the future
  • Apply the same formatting and styling to all pages
Manage Editor Accounts
Password Changes
Edit Graffiti and EpiDocify Content
Blacklist and Group Words
Generate Reports for All Graffiti
Export all Graffiti Data as EpiDoc

Generating Indices


  • Bancks
  • Pepe

Design Outline

  • Implement alphabetical index pages for all words, names, and places mentioned in graffiti
    • The user should be able to toggle between all words, personal names and place names
  • Organize a summary page for each word in the index that allows the user to see photos and useful information about the word
  • On the index pages, create an alphabet menu that allows the user to jump to a letter in the index rather than scrolling
  • Implement a lemmatizer that classifies inflected forms under their lemmatized forms in the index rather than cluttering the indices with different forms of the same word

Smyrna Integration and Search Refinements


  • Trevor

Design Outline

Search Refinements
  • Create a mock up of what page should look like
  • Review the code that is responsible for generating the html for the results page
  • Review the fields in the database / beans that would allow us to determine which graffiti originate in which locations
  • Review the code underlying the Epigraphic Conventions drop down on the details page. The code for this feature seems like it will be fairly similar
  • For each search, determine which cities / towns / locations are represented by inscriptions, and use that information to have the maps / images display on the right sidebar for only those locations
Other Smyrna Integration
  • Create a mock up of what page should look like
  • Add Smyrna as a city under the cities and towns dropdown
  • Review the current state of the Smyrna inscriptions on the site
  • Determine if all relevant information is already being presented in a coherent way
  • Compare and contrast the details pages of Smyrna graffiti with those from Herculaneum and Pompeii
  • Resolve any issues and update the Smyrna details pages accordingly
courses/cs335/spring2019/graffiti/workplan.1556638665.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/30 15:37 by cohene
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