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Generate Indices

Feature Description

The indices will be an alphabetized list of words featured in the graffiti with a count of appearances of the word in the database graffiti and a link to a page with more information about the graffiti that feature the word. The information on the word page will either be links to the graffiti that feature the word or the information and photos of the graffiti directly. Additionally, we hope to implement a jump-to feature that allows the user to jump directly to a letter in the index rather than scrolling all the way to the word they want to see. The word index will need to disregard other tokens, such as roman numerals and other stray, non-semantic lettering that may be present in the data. It is our goal for the indices to contain lemmata instead of having individual entries for each conjugated form of a verb or declined form of a noun. We plan also to implement similar indices for person and place names attested in the graffiti.


  • Understanding how the data for each graffito is stored
  • Determining which data structures will best realize our goals
  • Developing a system that is not only can index current data but also can take future data
  • Understanding of the search APIs

What the user sees

User behaviour

Use Cases

Relative Priority of Feature

courses/cs335/spring2019/graffiti/index.1556219851.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/25 19:17 by estradahammd
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