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Blacklist and Group Words for the Index

Feature Description

Editors will be able to manage how certain terms are displayed in the overall vocabulary index and what happens when someone searches for that term.
Editors will be able to add certain words in the index to a vocabulary “blacklist”. This “blacklist” will be its own index that contains words, phrases, locations, people, etc. that should not be included on the main index. So, when a user performs a search using a particular term, if that term is on the vocabulary “blacklist” they will not receive results in that term, but graffito may still be associated with that term. This feature gives administrators the ability to add and remove words from this “blacklist.”
Furthermore, editors will be able to group certain words in the index together. So, when someone searches for a certain word, but that particular word isn't in the index, however a similar (almost identical) word is in the index, the results for that word in the index will appear. An example of this is if someone looks for the word “trees” in the index, but only the word “tree” is in the index. With this functionality, administrators will be able to create vocabulary groups, edit vocabulary groups, and remove vocabulary groups.


Before accessing the features allowing the user to manage editors, the user must first successfully login as an administrator. Once that is accomplished they must navigate to one of the links for managing the index, and then navigate to one of the links to edit the vocabulary “blacklist,” or, to group words together on the index.

What the User Sees

Once logged in, the user will see options for what action they would like to take. There will be options for both blacklisting and grouping words.

There are three options that allow the user to add, edit, remove, and view terms in the “blacklist”. When the user views the blacklist they will see in a table of the words that should not be included in the index. The feature for removing these words will look very similar, with the addition of a remove check box for each word. The user will see a text-field when they go to add words to the blacklist. Maybe the current blacklist should also be displayed for reference. There is potential for them to be able to search in the vocabulary “blacklist,” depending on how long the list is.

There are three options that allow the user to add, edit, remove, and view groupings. If they select view they will be able to see all of the existing term groupings. Removals can be done via check-boxes and edits can be done by manipulating text fields. The user will see an empty text field along with all current groupings when they request to add a grouping.

User Behavior

The user will fill out the page's form completing needed information for the “blacklist” or the vocabulary groupings.

Use Cases

This feature will be used by the classicists to edit the terms from the index on the vocabulary blacklist or mange the grouping of the words on the index together.

Relative Priority of Feature

This feature most likely has a lower priority compared to the other Admin Tools. While its functionality would be helpful to administrators, it is an additional component to the accessibility of the site, rather than the functionality of the site.