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Admin Tools

The Admin Tools provides tools for the administrator to manage login information and access/edit the EpiDoc and the Index. A detailed list of tools is provided below. We need to have a protocol for the admin to login via valid login name and password and set up the infrastructure for the admin to make necessary changes. Additionally, the editing capacity for EpiDoc also needs to be mapped out and implemented. An understanding of the “blacklist” is also required to build the index editing tools.

Feature Description

- Create new logins
- Email passwords
- Password recovery
- Use the Washington and Lee University Computer Science Department server
- Record revisions to Epidoc
- Save Epidoc
- Reapply Epidoc
- Edit Epidoc
- Add/remove words from the vocabulary index blacklist
- Group words


- An understanding of admin tools and their functionalities
- An understanding of the EpiDoc: how does it work? what is the existing EpiDoc function look like? Anything we need to change?
- An understanding of the blacklist index: what does the blacklist look like? what qualifies as a blacklist item? What data structures will best suit our needs

What the User Sees

The Admin should see a window asking for a login name and a password at login (maybe a Reset Password option?). Once the admin logs in successfully, they should see a list of tools laid out clearly on the page, with each tool linking to a new page that has the corresponding admin functionality. The EpiDoc functionality should be implemented in the specific graffiti selection, allowing highlighting abilities. Besides, the user should be able to save the EpiDoc in the case of uploading new data. The blacklist index, which should have similar functionality to the actual index, should use the same structure as the actual index. We will communicate closely with the Index team to make sure they match. Besides, the website should be able to check if the items entered qualified as blacklist items.

User Behavior

While the administrator will have all of the functionality that a regular user does, they will have additional functionality to fit their needs. What the administrators are doing on the page might be slightly different than a typical user. First and foremost, an administrator might perform any of the activities listed when they first log in: Edit a Graffito, Generate a Report for all Graffiti, Download all Graffiti as an Epidoc, Change their Password, Add a new Editor, and/or Remove an Editor. When viewing any Graffito, an administrator can edit that Graffito. When viewing all of the graffiti, an admin can generate a report.

Use Cases

Many potential use cases of an administrator are listed above. Some functionality we are hoping to bring to this feature is to create new admin logins, store admin information, use that information to see who made revisions, allow admins to add/remove words from a list of “blacklist” vocabulary on the index, and to group words on the index. For example, if an administrator notices that there have been some changes on a graffito, they can look to see what administrator made those changes. There might be potential to even notify an administrator if a change has been made.

Relative Priority of Feature

While this feature might not be the top priority, it still has fairly high priority as administrators will require different permissions than typical users to make updates and edits to the content easily and efficiently. Certain functionality within this feature has higher priority than others. For example, allowing new logins, and tracking the Epidoc is much more important to this feature than the vocabulary index “blacklist” and the ability to group words together.

courses/cs335/spring2019/graffiti/admin.1556312057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/26 20:54 by wenz
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