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Design Outline

Work Plan

Student User Login


Our team have broken down our features to three main areas:

  1. Student User Login Page (Pan)
  2. Forgot Password (Tina)
  3. My Progress Page (Ruinan)

Ruinan will explore the various ways ChemTutor can display the progress. He will first look at how other website does the my progress page (self-service, Leet Code, and etc). Upon having an idea of what the interface should look like, Ruinan will then create the static mock up, and the connection to the database and etc.

Design Outline

Phase 1: Research During the first phase, Ruinan will research ways to create pie charts (javaScript pi charts, maybe?). How to connect to the database, and communicating with the registration team to make sure all the information needed is in the database. Phase 2: Mock up In the second phase, Ruinan will create the static mock up for his my progress page. This process includes a static web page that have the various clickable modules. And within each modules, there will be problem set questions. The problem sets are also clickable, but they will only show how a static webpage since it is not connected to the database yet. Ruinan will also create a static pie chart or other displaying tools in this phase.

Math Formula Presentation


For each team member we have listed the main first role of each person. Initially we are going to focus on finding an open source software code to implement the feature of math formula presentation. There are many various already built programs we can use thus we have divided up some of the parts here to help streamline the process of finding our main framework for our feature. It is important we each understand our own role, but we will need to be ready to understand each others' roles when proceeding to other parts of the project.

  • George Barker: explore the possibilities of MathJax in implementing our functionality
  • Rinn: explore the possibilities of MathML in implementing our functionality
  • Coletta: explore other programs able to implement our functionality and possible combinations

Design Outline

  1. Exploratory Phase: We need to look at MathJax and MathML and determine whether one or another program is the best program for our needs. We will need to discuss further questions with our client to determine more accurately the needs of our program. This will help in choosing the programs we would like to consider, as well as aid in the next step in determing which program to actually choose and eventually implement.
  2. Selection Phase: Here we will use the results of our exploratory phase plan to determine an open source framework or multiple frameworks to work with on our feature. There are several issues we will need to consider in the choosing phase. We want to be able to convert a sentence in the following format: 'Solve for x in the following equation. Remember to include the correct number of significant figures in your answer.\nx/5.904 + x/6.0 = 5.803'. This is not a very complicated equation and we need to be sure that the program we implement is relevant for an intro level chemistry practice problem. In addition to the previous example of representing fractions, we need to be able to represent trig functions. The technologies to implement this representation may not need to be too intensive. During exploratory phase we will contact our client to figure out more specifically how intensive of a program we need. It may also be important to easily incorporate new symbols and expressions, perhaps as the scope of chemtutor expands. We also must be aware of the input to our framework. We should find a framework that can take the above example and easily convert it to a professional math formula.
  3. Implementation Phase: This is the part where we will use the python scripts developed by our client and transform the output of those scripts to a professional looking question that will be displayed to the student by the program. We will need to consider details here. We will need to consider the details of what we are receiving as input from our client. What is our client capable of doing to make our formulas properly display. Also how can we minimize the work required to do so on everyone's end. It will be essential for the previous two steps to be done correctly for implementation to go smoothly. Some considerations in this phase are making sure the special math text is properly scalable and fit smoothly into regular text.

Periodic Table


We divided the work amongst ourselves in terms of the user end of the periodic table and the back end of the various operations/mechanisms/views.

  • Connor: He will be working on the appearance of the table which is mostly going to be HTML and CSS
  • Abhi and Utkrist: Since the back end of the project will be harder and have a larger workload, we decided to have two people work on JavaScript.

Lastly, all three of us are going to work on improving the final appearance of the periodic table. We will review and analyze everything at the end together as a team.

Design Outline

Our design involves the appearance of the periodic table in the webpage and the integration of the periodic table with various different exercises along with other minor adjustments. We will also be adding the options of user color selection, partial view of the periodic table (individual elements, a single category of elements, or the entire periodic table). Furthermore, exercises and users themselves will be able to restrict view in terms of the chemical name of the elements (the chemical symbols will always be displayed). Our project does not have an exploratory phase since we already have a base to work on. Therefore, for the most part, we will be adding, updating and adjusting the HTML and CSS codes for adding/updating features relating to the appearance of the table. For integration, we will be making changes to the JavaScript code. For features like changing colors of categories, partial views of the table, font colors, font sizes etc., we will have to adjust the HTML and CSS along with the JavaScript code.

courses/cs335/spring2019/chemtutor/workplan.1556317772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/26 22:29 by liur
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