====== Practice Module Requirements ====== ===== Feature: ===== * The practice modules allow for students to take quizzes on certain chemistry topics * Modules are arranged by topic: ex.) pH, periodic table * Ten questions per module, but there can also be multi-step problems * Order of questions in module changes every time ===== Prerequisites: ===== * User must have an account to take quizzes * User must be logged into to their account in order to access the quizzes ===== What the User Sees: ===== * One question at a time * What question they are on (out of all the questions in a module) * Answers are four multiple choice (a, b, c, d) * After they select an answer they see: * A green check next to correct answer * A red check next to wrong answer (if they choose wrong answer) * The error made in blue text (if they choose wrong answer) * Congratulations text (if they were correct) * Next link * When a user finishes a quiz: * A string that says how many questions you attempted and how many you got correct * The questions, student's answers, and the correct answers * Try again link * For multi-step questions user only sees the one part of question at a time ===== What the User Does ===== * They click on the text of the answer they think if correct * They click on next link * They can click try again when they complete the quiz ===== Behavior of the Application ===== * The application will display the questions in slides * When a user clicks on an answer, the application will verify their answer and send a corresponding output. It will also keep count of the correct answers * When the user clicks next, the application must go to the next slide, which is either another question or the end result slide * The end result slide gives the user how many questions they got correct and gives them the option to try again. It also shows the questions, the students' answers, and the correct answer * If try again is clicked, the application must change the order of the questions and clear the user's answers ===== Example Use Cases ===== * Students will be using these questions to study, so it is essential that the answer verification is working correctly ===== Priority ===== * This feature is high priority because it is required to help us see what we need from other functionality, like for example data tracking.