To help students learn Symbolic Logic, we are developing an online Symbolic Logic tutorial. Authorized professors can create quizzes for their students to take, in either practice or graded mode.
Grade question by question instead of student by student
Propagate an assigned point value across all identical (or equivalent?) answers (this makes the above particularly effective)
Vertical arrangement of student answer and correct answer for easier comparison
Copy ALL quizzes from one courses to another instead of copying them individually
Quiz functionality
Detect unbound variables
for practice quizzes, feedback in grading
Display unmatched parentheses in grading mode, and/or implement parenthesis matching in the student input field
Handle that “V” cannot be one of a “letter” in the key (likely part of the professor's quiz creation–may be other places?)
Allow a user to take a practice quiz without having an authorized account (special set of “public” quizzes – demonstrates the application's functionality)