====== Ancient Graffiti Project ====== [[http://agp.wlu.edu|The Ancient Graffiti Project]] ===== Overview ===== The goal of the [[http://ancientgraffiti.wlu.edu|Ancient Graffiti Project]] is to provide a digital resource so that users can explore the ancient graffiti in Herculaneum and Pompeii. ===== Desired Functionality, Features ===== * admin interface to make changes to the inscriptions * Enter the metadata about the inscriptions * Update information about the insula, properties * ability to generate reports from database * incorporate a “Greatest Hits” (e.g., where a Latin teacher could go to get our favorites, so she doesn’t have to wade through all the others) * on the search results page, show how many results were found, e.g., returning 6 inscriptions out of 459 * Allow //tags// of all graffiti -- for both categorization and searching * //tags// are at a more detailed level than categories. For example, we could tag a graffito as "stag" while its category is "animals". We can tag other graffiti as "poetry" or "messages", for example, based on its content. * How should this be integrated into the search functionality? * open API to export data as JSON and/or as XML * Example: can export all the figural graffiti at once * Will have a user interface to this data but can also access through a web service/URL