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Sam's Journal

Summary of Preface, Ch. 1.1, Ch. 2.1, Ch. 2.2


“The study of algorithms is a powerful lens through which to view the field of computer science in general.” The preface explains how central algorithms are to our lives and how pretty much every problem we face on a daily basis can be expressed using algorithms. They say that the “algorithmic enterprise” consists of two main things: drilling down to the mathematical core of any given problem and then figuring out the best algorithmic strategy to solving that problem. These two pieces, of course, overlap. The more familiar one is with the many possible algorithmic solutions to problems, the better one generally is at boiling down complex problems into their base states that can then more readily be solved. This book aims to teach us to do exactly that. Also, the book was comprised by people who teach the class at Cornell.

Ch. 1.1

Chapter 1.1 is a review of the stable matching problem. The book first talks about the problem in terms of students applying to internships at particular companies, and later says that the very first version of the problem was probably the medical residents/hospitals version that we discussed in class. Finally, they boil it down to the “marriage” problem we also did in class. A matching, S, is stable if it is both a perfect matching AND there is no instability. It is possible for there to be more than one stable matching. The algorithm that is used to solve such a problem is fairly simple, as we discussed in class. A male proposes to the highest ranked female he has not yet proposed to; she will except if she is single or if she prefers the man proposing to her current fiance. If she choose the proposer over her current fiance, her fiance goes back into the pool of “free” men. The algorithm stops when no man is free. The longest possible run time is n^2; assuming all men end up proposing to all women. In addition, the people responsible for coming up with the stable matching algorithm were Gale and Shapley (1962).

Ch. 2.1

This section beings by talking about our goal with algorithms: to find the most efficient algorithm for any computation problem. But first, we must define what it means for an algorithm to truly be efficient. The book goes through a few possible definitions of efficiency. The first they discuss is “An algorithm is efficient if, when implemented, it runs quickly on real input instances.” This first definition is dismissed because of a few particular flaws: the lack of specificity about where and how the algorithm is implemented, the lack of clarity about what a “real” input is, and the fact that this definition does not consider how the performance of an algorithm may change drastically when performed on 100 vs. 100,000. This beginning definition, however, keys us to the idea that we need to begin looking at efficiency in a more mathematical, quantifiable way.

We then turn to analyzing worst-case run time scenarios to help us come up with a better definition of true efficiency. The next definition the book proposes is this: “An algorithm is efficient if it achieves qualitatively better performance, at an analytical level, than brute-force search.” Again, the book finds issue with the fact that “qualitatively better” performance is rather vague. This leads the authors to their third and final definition of efficiency: “An algorithm is efficient if it has a polynomial running time.” Now, the book understands that this final definitions may seem a little weak, but their justification for it is this: “It really works. Problems for which polynomial running-time algorithms exist almost invariably turn out to have algorithms with running times proportional to very moderately growing polynomials like n, n log n, n^2, or n^3.” A huge benefit of a definition like this is the fact that it is negatable. We can now say that an algorithm is NOT efficient if it has a worse than polynomial worst-case running time. It is also possible to express that sometimes there is no efficient algorithm for a particular problem.

Ch. 2.2

An algorithm's worst-case running time on inputs of size n grows at a rate that is at most proportional to some function f(n). We aim to express the growth rate of running times and other functions in a way that is insensitive to constant factors and low-order terms. Asymptotic Upper Bounds Let T(n) be a function, such as the worst-case running time of an algorithm with an input of size n. Given another function f(n), we say that T(n) is O(f(n)) if T(n) is bounded above by a constant multiple of f(n). Sometimes this is written as T(n) = O(f(n)). Asymptotic Lower Bounds For arbitrarily large input size n, the function T(n) is at least a constant multiple of some specific function f(n). Thus, we say that T(n) is Ω(f(n)), also written T(n) = Ω(f(n)). Asymptotically Tight Bounds If a function T(n) is both O(f(n)) and Ω(f(n)), we say that T(n) is Θ(f(n)). We would then say that f(n) is an asymptotically tight bound for T(n).

Summary of 2.3, 2.4, 2.5


Before we can implement any algorithm, the first step is generally deciding which data structures are going to be most beneficial to us and then getting our data into whatever structure we choose. In some cases we will have to do some preprocessing of the data to get it into our chosen structures. Arrays are one of the simplest ways to keep a list of n elements. Typically the array will be of length n and A[i] will be the ith element of the list. Getting the ith element is O(1), and checking to see if an item is in the array is linear O(n), unless the list happens to be sorted, in which case the search can be accomplished in O(log n) time. However, an array is not great for maintaining a dynamic list. Doubly linked lists can also be used, but then we lose our constant-time access of elements; this then results in O(i) time. In order to implement the Gale-Shapely algorithm as efficiently as possible, we will have to get several operations down to constant time. Page 46 details this.


When approaching a new problem, it can help to think about two different kinds of bounds: the worst-case scenario running time (brute force search) and the running time you hope to achieve. A linear algorithm, O(n) running time, has a natural property: its running time is at most a constant factor times the size of its input. The most basic way to get an algorithm to this running time is to process the input in a single pass. Other algorithms can be linear for more subtle reasons, like the merging of two sorted lists that we demonstrated in class. It is a linear operation.

Another common running time is O(n log n), most frequently exemplified by sorting algorithms. Quadratic running time is also fairly common, and can stem from many things, often performing a search over all pairs of input items while spending constant time per pair, or simply nested loops. More elaborate sets of nested loops often result in O(n^3) in running time. O(n^k) can be obtained by performing a brute-force search over a set on n items with k subsets.

Beyond Polynomial Time

Some common bigger-than-polynomial running times we see often are 2^n as well as n!. 2^n arises naturally as a running time for a search algorithm that must consider all subsets. It is important to note that often two algorithms can have very similar-looking search spaces and still have widely varying run-times: one run time might be a lot better than brute-force search while another won't be able to be improved upon at all.

n! is also a naturally occurring run time, but it is a little scary-looking because it grows even faster than 2^n. n! is the number of ways to match up n number of items with n other items, and this is one way n! occurs. Another example of n! naturally occurring is the Travelling Salesman Problem. Given n cities, with the distances between all pairs, what is the shortest route that visits all cities? Assuming the salesman starts and ends at the first city. This problem is not known to have an efficient solution. It belongs to the class of NP-complete problems.

Finally, some algorithms actually run in sublinear time. It takes linear time just to read input, so how does this occur? Often sublinear running times happen when input can be “queried” indirectly rather than read completely, and we then aim to minimize the amount of querying we do. An example of this is the binary search algorithm.


Priority queues are a more complex data structure that in some cases can help us overcome higher-level obstacles that prevent us from achieving a polynomial-time solution, depending on the type of problem we are trying to solve. For instance, they can be useful for the Stable Matching Problem. So, what exactly is a priority queue? It is a data structure that maintains a set of elements s, where each element v in S has an associated value key(v) that denotes the priority of element v; the smaller the key the higher the priority. They support the addition and deletion of elements from the set and also the selection of the element with the smallest key. A priority queue can be implemented so that the running time of most of its operations (adding, deleting, selecting element with minimum key) is at most O(log n). Sorting a priority will take O(n log n) time.

To implement a priority queue, we will use a data structure called a heap, like the one we discussed in class. It will be represented as a binary search tree. The tree will have a root and every node will have at most two children. The tree will be considered in “heap order” if the key of any element is at least as large as the key of the element at its parent node int the tree. Or, the child nodes of any parent node must be equal to or larger than their parent node. As we discussed in class, the process of adding nodes to the heap is fairly simple. We will add them to the bottom of the tree and then use the Heapify-up procedure to fix the ordering. Heapify-up is O(log n) in running time, as is Heapify-down.


9/10: Pretty easy to understand this section.

Summary of 3.1, 3.2, 3.3


Graph typically refers to an undirected graph. Directed graphs will be called such. Edges will be defined as a line between a set of nodes (u, v). There are many different common examples of graphs: 1. Transportation networks (Plane routes) 2. Communication Networks (computer networks) 3. Information Networks (WWW) 4. Social Networks (Facebook) 5. Dependency Networks (Courses and their Prerequisites). A path in any undirected graph is a sequence P of nodes v1, v2, v…, vk-1 such that each consecutive pair vi and vi+1 are joined by an edge. (v1 and v2, v2 and v3, etc.) A path is called simple if all of its vertices are distinct. A cycle starts and ends at the same node. A graph is connected if for every pair of nodes u and v, there exists a path from u to v. That is, no node is seperate from all the other nodes. A directed graph is considered strongly connected if for every two nodes u and v there exists a path from u to v as well as a path from v to u. The distance between any two nodes is the number of edges required in a path from u to v.

A graph is a tree if it is connected and does not contain a cycle. Trees have a root node, r. Rooted trees are a fundamental notion in CS because they encode the notion of hierarchy.

Thm. 3.1: Every n-node tree has exactly n-1 edges.

Thm. 3.2: Let G be a graph of n nodes. Any two of the following statements implies the third: 1. G is connected. 2. G does not contain a cycle. 3. G has n-1 edges.


Given two nodes s and t in graph G, is there a path from s to t? We call this determining s-t connectivity. It can also be called the Maze-solving Problem. There are two common approaches to this problem: breadth-first search and depth-first search.

Breadth-first search begins at a node s and explores outward from s in all possible directions one layer at a time. Note: There will be obvious holes in any graph that is not fully connected; any nodes that cannot be reached from the starting node will not be “seen” by either search type, BFS or DFS. In a BFS, we find that nodes in Layer Lj have a distance of j from the starting node, s.

Thm. 3.3: For each j >= 1, layer Lj produced by BFS consists of all nodes at distance exactly j from s. There is a path from s to t if and only if t appears in some layer.

BFS produces a tree rooted at S.

Thm. 3.4: Let T be a breadth-first search tree, let x and y be nodes in T belonging to layers Li and Lj, and let (x,y) be an edge of G. Then i and j differ by at most one. In other words, if there exists an edge between any two nodes on different layers of the tree, then the nodes must be on adjacent layers.

The connected component of any graph G is the set R of G containing the starting node s. There exists a simple algorithm to produce the set R of nodes that make up the connected component of any graph:

    R will consist of nodes to which s has a path
    Initially R = {s}
    While there is an edge (u,v) where u is in R and v is not in R:
        Add v to R

Thm. 3.5: The set R produced by this algorithm is precisely the connected components of G containing s.

DFS is the intuitive way one might travel through a maze. You will select a path and follow that path until you reach a dead-end, then back track to the starting part and try again. It also has a simple algorithm. Initially, all nodes are marked unexplored.

  Mark u as "explored" and add u to R
  For each edge (u, v) incident to u
      If v is not marked "explored," then:
          recursively invoke DFS(v)

DFS also yields a tree rooted at node s, but the tree will look much different than a BFS tree.

Thm. 3.6: For a given recursive call DFS(u), all nodes that are marked “explored” between the invocation and end of this recursive call are descendants of u in T.

Thm. 3.7: Let T be a depth-first search tree, let x and y be nodes in T, and let (x,y) be an edge of G that is not and edge of T. Then one of x or y is an ancestor of the other.

Thm. 3.8: For any two nodes s and t in a graph, their connected components are either identical or disjoint.


BFS and DFS differ obviously in that the first uses a queue and the second a stack. There are two basic ways to represent graphs: with an adjacency matrix or an adjacency list. This book uses the adjacency list representation.

For this section, n = |V| and m = |E|. Connected graphs must have at least m >= n - 1 edges. We aim to implement the basic graph search algorithms in O(m+n) time. Note that running time O(m+n) is the same as O(m) because m >= n - 1 and this running time is considered linear. We will keep our running times in terms of both variables for accuracy.

The simplest way to represent a graph is with an adjacency matrix, which is an n x n matrix, where A[u,v] = 1 if there is an edge between u and v and a 0 if there is not an edge. If the graph is undirected, then it is symmetric; that is, A[u,v] = A[v,u]. There are two main disadvantages to this representation: it takes Θ(n^2) space and examining all edges in the matrix will take Θ(n) time. So, throughout the book we use adjacency lists, which works best for sparse graphs: graphs with fewer than n^2 edges. This list works simply by having a list Adj, where Adj[v] contains a list of all the nodes who have and edge with node v.

Thm. 3.10: Representing a graph using an adjacency matrix takes O(n^2) space while using an adjacency list requires O(m+n) space.

Summary of Thm. 3.11-3.13: The implementations of BFS and DFS given in this book can acheive O(m+n) running times.


I give this section an 8/10 for readability. I find graphs a little easier to understand than the material we worked with in chapter 2.

Summary of 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1


Remember, a bipartite graph is one where the set of nodes V can be partitioned into two sets X and Y such that every edge has one end in X and one end in Y. We will imagine that the nodes in set X are colored red and that those in set Y are colored blue.

Thm. 3.14 If a graph G is bipartite, then it cannot contain an odd cycle.

Is there an easy way to figure out if a graph is bipartite? Yes! We simply begin by coloring one node red, then coloring all of its neighbors blue, then coloring the neighbors of the nodes we just colored blue red and so on. After every node is colored, we can easily tell if our graph is bipartite. If no edge has two same-colored nodes, then our graph is bipartite. This is exactly like breadth-first search. We color the starting node red, then we color L1 blue, L2 red, etc. All the odd-numbered layers are blue and the even ones are red. The total running time for our coloring algorithm is O(m+n) just like BFS.


Directed graphs! Now our edges has direction! Much direction! Very specific! Wow! Such complication!

Representing directed graphs is fairly simple: now each node will have two lists associated with it: one for nodes to which it has edges and for nodes from which it has edges.

BFS and DFS are almost the same in directed graphs. For BFS, we start at a node S and define our first layer to be to consist of all nodes to which S has an edge, and the next layer to be all the nodes to which the nodes in the first layer have an edge and so on. The run time is still O(m+n).

We may simply create a G^rev, an exact duplicate of G except that all the edges will be reversed. We can then easily see the nodes with a path to s, rather than the nodes to which s has a path.

For directed graphs, we say that any two nodes are mutually reachable if there exists a path from u to v and from v to u. So, a directed graph is strongly connected if EVERY pair of nodes is mutually reachable.

Thm. 3.16: If u and v are mutually reachable, and v and w are mutually reachable, then u and w are mutually reachable. (This sounds like the transitive property to me.)

Thm. 3.17: For any two nodes s and t in a directed graph, their strong components are either identical or disjoint.


If an undirected graph has no cycle, then it has a very simple structure: each of its connected components is a tree. But for directed graphs, it is possible for no cycles to exist while the graph maintains a unique structure. When a directed graph has no cycles, we call it a DAG, or directed acyclic graph.

These graphs can easily represent dependencies and often the order in which things much be done. A directed edge may exist between node i and node j, indicating that node i's task must be completed before node j's task. This can lead to a topological ordering of a graph G, so that for every edge (vi, vj), we have i<j. In other words, all edges point forward in the ordering. A topological ordering on tasks provides an order in which they can be safely performed. When we come to the task vj, all the tasks that are required to precede it are already done.

Thm. 3.18: If G has a topological ordering, then G is a DAG.

Thm. 3.19: If G is a DAG, there is a node v with no incoming edges.

Thm. 3.20: If G is a DAG, then G has a topological ordering.

Computing a topological ordering of a graph G will be O(m+n).

4 intro + 4.1

It's hard to define what exactly is meant by “greedy,” but generally we can say that greedy algorithms seek to find an over-all optimal solution by choosing the most optimal solution at each step. There are two ways to show that a “greedy” algorithm has found an optimal solution: we may use a “greedy stays ahead” proof or an exchange argument. Greedy stays ahead functions by showing that since a greedy algorithm will function better than any other algorithm at each step, it must produce and over-all optimal solution. The exchange argument takes a greedy solution and transforms it into a known optimal solution without changing its quality, thereby showing that the greedy algorithm has found an optimal solution. There are three very well-known applications for greedy algorithms: finding shortest paths in a graph, the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, and the construction of Huffman codes for performing data compression.

The interval scheduling problem is one that often has a greedy solution applied. The successful greedy “rule” here is that we accept first the request that finishes first. This algorithm can be O(n logn) in best case.

Another type of interval scheduling problem is scheduling all intervals and determining the number of resources necessary to do so. This is often represented by thinking of scheduling a given set of classes at specific times in the fewest number of rooms possible. This time, our greedy solution will aim to use resources equal to the number of overlaps; that is, if there are 4 classes that begin at 1:00, then an optimal solution will use only 4 classrooms to handle the load.

Thm. 4.6: The greedy algorithm above schedules every interval on a resource, using a number of resources equal to the depth of the set of intervals. This is the optimal number of resources needed.


9/10 I really enjoyed reading these chapters and felt like they were a quick, easy-to-understand review of material already fully covered in class.

Summary of 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6


We will now consider a different problem: suppose we need to schedule a certain amount of jobs that each take a certain amount of time using one particular resource, such as a single computer. We need to find a way to organize all the jobs such that their lateness is minimized; that is, such that they are finished before their deadline as often as is possible. There are several poor greedy algorithms that do not produce optimal solutions, such as doing the shortest jobs first, or even doing the jobs with the shortest amount of slack time first. What does work, however, is simply scheduling the jobs by deadlines, earliest deadline first. This produces an optimal greedy solution.

We can prove that this is an optimal solution by first identifying an optimal solution, O, and then modifying it so that it looks exactly like our greedy solution without increasing the amount of lateness. This is called an exchange argument.


There are a couple ways to think about the “shortest path” problem in any given graph. When can try to find a shortest path from a node U to a node V, or we can try to find the shortest path from a starting node S to all other nodes in the graph. Dijkstra's Algorithm is often used to solve such a problem.

Dijkstra's algorithm works by first determining the length of the shortest path from s to each other node in the graph. The algorithm maintains a set S of vertices u for which we have determined the shortest path distance d(u) from s; this is the explored part of the graph. Initially S = {s} and d(s) = 0. Now, for each node v in V - S, we determine the shortest path that can be constructed by traveling along a path through the explored part S to some u in S, followed by the single edge (u,v). We choose the node v in V - S for which the distance is minimized, add v to S, and define d(v). The best overall running time for this algorithm, when implemented with a heap-based priority queue, is O(m log n) for a graph with n nodes and m edges.


The Minimum Spanning tree problem is another type of graph traversal question. Suppose we have a set of locations V = {v1, v2,…) and we want to build a communications network on top of them. A path should exist between every pair of nodes (the graph should be connected with no stragglers) but we want to do this as cheaply as possible. The solution to this problem will be a tree, which is why this is commonly called the minimum spanning tree problem. There are three greedy algorithms that accomplish this task and find a minimum spanning tree:

Kruskal's Algorithm: Starts with no edges at all and builds a spanning tree by adding edges from E in order of increasing cost. As we move through the edges in this order, we insert each edge E as long as it does not create a cycle when added to the edges we've already added.

Prim's Algorithm: Start with a root node S and try to greedily grow a tree outward. At each step, we simply add the node that can be attached as cheaply as possible to the partial tree we already have.

Reverse-Delete Algorithm: Start with a full graph and begin deleting edges in order of decreasing cost. As we get to each edge e, we delete it only if doing so would not disconnect the graph.

The run times for all these algorithms can be O(m log n).


When implementing Kruskal's algorithm, we need a quick and easy way to see which nodes in a graph are connected. When we add an edge to the graph, we don't want to have to recompute the connected components from scratch. Instead, we will develop a data structure that we call the Union-Find structure, which will store a representation of the components in a way that supports rapid searching and updating.

The Union-Find data structure works as follows. The operation Find(u) will return the name of the set containing u. This operation can used to test if two nodes u and v are in the same set, by simply checking if Find(u) == Find(v). The data structure will also have an operation Union(A,B), to take two sets A and B and merge them together.


8/10. A little dry, here and there, but not too bad. Again, pretty familiar from class.

Summary of 4.7, 4.8, 5.1, 5.2


Minimum spanning trees play an interesting role in clustering. Clustering arises whenever one has a collection of objects that one is trying to organize into coherent groups. In such a situation, we often seek to measure how similar or different each pair of objects is. Often a distance function is run on the objects, with objects a larger distance away being more dissimilar from the others. Sometimes distance is actual distance, but often it's an abstract representation of the similarity or dissimilarity of the objects. Given a distance function on the objects, the clustering problem seeks to divide them into groups based on how close/far apart they are.

Say we are trying to divide a set of objects, U, into k groups. We then say that a k-clustering of U is a partition of U into k non-empty sets. The spacing of a k-clustering is the minimum distance between any pair of points lying in *different* clusters. Given that we want points in different clusters to be far apart from one another, a natural goal is to seek the k-clustering with the maximum possible spacing.

Usually we stat by drawing an edge between the closest pair of points, and then between the next closest pair of points and so on. We stop when we obtain k connected components.


We want to use the fewest number of bits possible to encode things, such as the characters in the English language. There are 26 letters, 5 important punctuation marks, and a space, which is 32 characters. This means we can't use less than 2^5 bits. But perhaps we don't have to use 5 bits for every letter; we can assign really common letters to strings of less than 5 bits so that we can attempt to minimize the average number of bits used. The issue of reducing the average number of bits per letter is a fundamental problem in the area of data compression.

Prefix encodings do NOT allow their to be any characters encoded by a set of characters that is all the beginning of a different encoding for a different character. For instance, if “a” was encoded as 1 and “b” was encoded as 10, we could say that a was a prefix of b. Eliminating prefixes makes encoding unambiguous. Morse code is a prefix-filled encoding and because of this is highly ambiguous.


Divide and conquer refers to a class of algorithm techniques in which one breaks the input into several parts, solves the problem in each part recursively, and then combines the solutions into an overall solution. In many cases, it can be a simple and powerful method.

First we will talk about the Mergesort algorithm. Mergesort sorts a given list of numbers by first dividing them into two equal halves, sorting each half separately by recursion, and then combining the results of these recursive calls. In Mergesort, we assume that once the input has been reduced to size 2, we stop the recursion and sort the two elements by simply comparing them to each other.

There are two basic ways to go about solving a recurrence: the most natural way would be to “unroll” the recursion, accounting for the running time across the first few levels and identifying a pattern that can be continued as the recursion expands. A second way is to start with a guess for the solution, substitute it into the recurrence relation, and check that it works.


As a way to explore this issue further, we now consider a class of recurrence relations that generalizes, and show how to solve the recurrences in this class.

This more general class of algorithms is obtained by considering divide-and-conquer algorithms that create recursive calls on q subproblems of size n/2 each and then combine the results in O(n) time.

If T(n) denotes the running time of an algorithm design in this style, then T(n) obeys the following recurrence relation:

Thm 5.3: For some constant c, T(n) ⇐ qT(n/2) + cn when n>2, and T(2) ⇐ c.


6/10. This section was really dense and difficult to get through.

Summary of 5.3-5.5


Analyzing rankings has become a common problem recently. Many websites allow users to rank movies or other types of media and then try to suggest other things that user might like based on how other users who like the same thing that the first user likes rated things the user hasn't seen. This technique is often called collaborative filtering. Essentially, once the website has identified people with similar tastes to yours, it can then recommend new things those people with similar tastes liked that you may also like.

A core issue in this problem is the business of how we will compare various rankings. What constitutes “similar”? We seek to find a way to understand the middle-ground between users with identical rankings and users with completely opposite rankings. One neat solution to this problem is counting inversions. (In the list 2,1,3 we would say there is one inversion; the 2 is in front of the 1.)

What is the simplest algorithm to count inversions? We could look at every pair of numbers (ai, aj) and determine whether they constitute an inversion; this would take O(n^2) time. We can achieve O(n log n) time, though!

But how? We set m




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