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courses:cs211:winter2014:journals:fred:4.7_clustering [2014/03/04 23:18] gisafcourses:cs211:winter2014:journals:fred:4.7_clustering [2014/03/04 23:20] (current) gisaf
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 What is the connection to MST's? Our procedure is precisely applying Kruskal's MST Algorithm. We stop when we obtain k connected components. This is similar to taking a full MST , and deleting k-1 most expensive edges, and defining the k-clustering to be the resulting connected components. What is the connection to MST's? Our procedure is precisely applying Kruskal's MST Algorithm. We stop when we obtain k connected components. This is similar to taking a full MST , and deleting k-1 most expensive edges, and defining the k-clustering to be the resulting connected components.
 **Analyzing the Algorithm**. **Analyzing the Algorithm**.
-We claim that the components formed by deleting k-1 most expensive edges of the MST constitute a k-clustering of maximum spacing.+We claim that the components formed by deleting k-1 most expensive edges of the MST constitute a k-clustering of maximum spacing, proof on //page 160-161//. What is the running time of finding k-clusters?? It will take the running time Kruskal's Algorithm would take. 
 +This section was easy to read through but required some attention, its scale is 8.5/10.
courses/cs211/winter2014/journals/fred/4.7_clustering.1393975091.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/04 23:18 by gisaf
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