design an admissions/recruiting process that was self-enforcing
based on matching preference lists
if the process is based on self interests, then there will be situations where people will commit and possibly go back on their commitments if a better offer comes along (retract and redirect)
question asked: given a list of preferences can we assign applicants to employers so at least one of the following is the case
Formulating the Problem
to eliminate complications we assume that each n applicants applies to each n companies and each company accepts one applicant → we will use the case of devising a system of matching males and females for marriage
a matching S is a set of ordered pairs from the sets of M men and W women where each member of M and W appears in at most 1 pair
a perfect matching S' is a matching where each member of M and W appears in exactly one pair in S'
each M and W creates a preference list where they rank the opposite gender
instability a pair is unstable if one of the pair prefers another male/female
Designing the Algorithm
women will naturally accept an engagement even if she prefers another male
if a free m proposes to a woman w who is already engaged to m', she may accept the proposal from m if he ranks higher than m' on her preference list
the algorithm will stop when everyone is engaged.
Analyzing the Algorithm
from the view of the woman
from the view of a man
maximum iterations needed for termination is n^2
measure the progress- way of saying each step of the algorithm brings it closer to termination
each iteration is a man proposing to a woman he has never proposed to before → P(t) denotes the set of pairs (m,w) where m has proposed to w by the end of the iteration t
there are only n^2 possible pairs of men and women total so P() can only increase n^2 times over the whole algorithm
How do we show that the set S at the end of termination is a perfect matching?
if a man is free at some point during the algorithm then there is a women he has not proposed to
the set of engaged pairs always forms a perfect matching because the algorithm cannot terminate with a free man
How do we prove that the algorithm returns a set of stable matching?
there is an unfairness in the algorithm that favors male preferences over female
question do all executions of the algorithm yield the same matching? … YES!
characterize the matching by showing each man gets the “best possible partner”
a woman, w, is a valid partner for m if there is a stable matching with the pair (m, w)
the order of the proposals in the algorithm has no effect on the final outcome
in this stable matching each woman is paired with her worst valid partner