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courses:cs211:winter2014:journals:alyssa:chapter2.2 [2014/01/20 18:06] hardnettacourses:cs211:winter2014:journals:alyssa:chapter2.2 [2014/01/20 18:37] (current) hardnetta
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 +====== Chapter 2.2: Asymptotic Order of Growth ======
 If we can express an algorithm’s worst-case running time on inputs of size n as growing at a rate that is proportional to some function f(n), then that function becomes a bound on the running time of the algorithm. Counting the number of steps an algorithm executes is essentially meaningless both because we will often be using pseudo-code and because we want to classify broad classes of algorithms so we need a more general way of determining running time. So, we want to express the growth rate of running times in a way that is insensitive to constant factors and low-order terms. If we can express an algorithm’s worst-case running time on inputs of size n as growing at a rate that is proportional to some function f(n), then that function becomes a bound on the running time of the algorithm. Counting the number of steps an algorithm executes is essentially meaningless both because we will often be using pseudo-code and because we want to classify broad classes of algorithms so we need a more general way of determining running time. So, we want to express the growth rate of running times in a way that is insensitive to constant factors and low-order terms.
courses/cs211/winter2014/journals/alyssa/chapter2.2.1390241193.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/20 18:06 by hardnetta
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