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6.3. Segmented Least Squares: Multi-way Choices

With this problem, at each step we have a polynomial number of possibilities to consider the structure of the optimal solution.

The Problem

Suppose our data consists of a set P of n points in the plane,:

(x1y1),(x2y2),…,(xnyn), where x1 < x2,…,< xn

Given a line L with equation y = ax + b, we say that an “error” of L with respect to P is the sum of all of its squared distances to the points in P:
Error(L,P) = ∑ from i =1 to n (yi - axi- b) 2

Thus naturally, we are bound to finding the line with minimum error.

The solution turns out to be a line y = ax + b, where:

a = [(n∑i xiyi) - (∑ixi)(∑i yi)]/[(n∑i xi2) - (∑i xi)2]
courses/cs211/winter2012/journals/jeanpaul/chaptersixsectioniii.1332899871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/03/28 01:57 by mugabej
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