Chapter 6
Dynamic Programming
divide and conquer - use sub problems and build up to correct sultion.
6.1 Weighted Interval Scheduling A Recursive Prosedure
Designing a Recursive Algorithm
Weighted interval scheduling
choose if we do the job or not
If we choose the job we run the algorithm on the compatiable jobs
if we don't choose the job j we look at the problem j-1
key is we need a memoization array - to make the problem more efficient. (THIS COMES IN 255-257
6.1 OPT(J) = max(Vj+opt(p(j), opt(j-1))
6.2 Request j belons to the optimal solution on the set if and only if vj+opt(p(j)) >= opt(j-1)
algorithm on p. 254
NOW that we have the value of the optimal solution need to do post work to find the actual solution.
Computing the optimal solution
6.2 Principles of Dynamic Programming: Memoization or iteration over subprobs
A basic outline of Dynamic Programming
There are only a polynoimal number of sub problems
the solution to the original problem can be easily computed from the solutions to the subproblems
there is a natural ordering on subproblems from smallest to largest together with an easy to compute recurrence and that allows one to determine the solution to a subproblem from the solution to some number of smaller subproblems.
6.3 Segmented Least Squares: Multi way Choices
The problem
minimize the sum of the distances the points are from the line, by using more than one line. (Find the lines of best fit)
instead of having a binary choice we have a multi way choice. do we do one line from point i to j or a line from i-2 to j. Each line has a cost also though so it can't just be number lines.
Designing the alogirthm
see the algorithm on page 265
6.6 if the last segment of the optimal partition is pi …. pn then the value of the optimal solution is OPT(N) = ei,n + c + opt(i-1)
6.7 for the sub problem on the points pi…pj opt(j) = min(ei,j + C + opt(i-1)), and the segment pi…pj is used in the optimal solution for the subproblem if and only if the minimum is obtained using index i.
6.4 Subset Sums and Knapsacks: adding a var
The problem
n items
knapsack can hold W total weight
each item i has Wi
each item i also has a value to the person
want to max value which staying under W
key is using memoization array
second key is many many sub problems
Designing an algorithm
algorithm on 6.4
6.8 if W < Wi then opt(i, W) = opt(i-1, W) Otherwise Opt(i,W) = max(opt(i-1, W), Wi + opt(i-1, w-wi))
6.9 the subset-sum (n,W) algorithm correctly computes the value of the problem and runs in O(nW) time.
6.10 given a table M of the optimal values of the subproblems, the optimal set S can be found in O(n) time.
(AGAIn need to do post back work to get the solution.)
There is an expansion section on the knapsack problem that looks at a different restriction on weight.
6.6 Sequence alignment
suppose I type provlem in google as opposed to problem. google looks for problem as the match. So basically matching sequences of letters to find workds.
- we can either have a match, or a gap. If it is a match it can be correct or a mismatch or a gap can be on the x word or the y word.
- we give weights to each option
then we have figure out the optimal sequence from that.
- see 6.16
- see page 282 or the algorithm
- the graph image on 283 makes it really easy for me to understand.
6.7 Sequence Alignment in LInear Space via
changing sequence alignment using divide and conquer
algorithm on 285
split the graph into two different sections and then go forward from your start point and then backwards from your final point to the midel.
find the path that minimizes the weight
6.8 Shortest path in a Graph
weighted graph with negative weights
have to adjust to use dijkstras
note if there is negative cycles then we will never have a shortest path
algorithm on page 294
implementation O(mn)