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Network Installation of Condor

This page describes the installation procedure for installing Condor on a network-shared location. Installing Condor on the network allows for centralized configuration and convenient upgrades. This network-shared location should be on a high-availability file server, preferably a high-bandwidth RAID-enabled NAS, that can be accessed from all members of the Condor pool.

Our pool uses a dedicated NAS server with a 2.7TB RAID 5+1 drive configuration to provide faster than normal access times to the data than normal hard drive I/O, especially data reads.

Install Binaries

In order to install the binaries onto the NAS, run this command in the terminal:

cd /mnt/config/src/fedora64
sudo ./condor_configure --type=manager,submit,execute --local-dir=/mnt/config/hosts/_default --install-dir=/mnt/config/release/x86_64_rhap_5 --install --verbose


condor/installation/network.1310652232.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/07/14 14:03 by garrettheath4
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