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New Condor Administration TODO List

Install Monit

~~TASK:Garrett Koller?!!!~~ Install Monit to monitor system services and processes to ensure that they are running at all times. Configure it so that if Condor crashes, Monit will automagically restart them.


Garrett Koller, 2012/02/01 20:26, 2012/02/01 20:28

Installed Monit on john and modified the configuration file to suit Condor's needs. It installed as a system service, so I enabled the service to run in runlevels 4 and 5.

Now I need to configure Monit to watch the Keyboard daemon or something. Once I have the Monit configuration squared away, should I install Monit on all of the Condor machines or centralize it to just be on john (probably the latter)?

Garrett Koller, 2012/02/02 17:48

Created global configuration file for all machines in the /mnt/config/hosts/ directory as monit_global.config. Next I need to install Monit on all of the Condor machines and link this global config file into the /etc/monit.d/ directory on every machine so it will be included in all of the Monits.

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condor/administration/todo/tasks/install_monit.1327423877.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/01/24 16:51 by garrettheath4
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